I constantly ask myself the question why in the elections of 2017 in the USA won a president so vulgar, lacking in education, authoritarian, cocky, corrupt, liar and with a broad dictatorial character?
After analysing the situation and the American people, I arrived to the conclusion that, as the Frenchman André Malraux (1901-1976) said: _ "People have the rulers that resemble them" _ is a statement as true as day sunshine and moonlight night. In general terms, we can say that the Americans are one of the most uneducated, ignorant and lacking of education and good habits, having at their fingertips all the social, economic and cultural means and do not take advantage of them. Without falling into the subject of statistics, I would dare to say that among the first developed countries in the world, the one that is at te end (last) must be USA.
Now, returning to our original question that gives title to our comment I will say that I took the time and work studying some very important data that will dust, in my opinion, why this neo-Nazi racist today is president of the country of the north .
In the last presidential elections, 54.9% of the voting age population was the voter percentage and of this 26% of the polls were between whites and Christians. Going deeper in the statistics of that 26% we know that 86% of these Americans have been Christians from a peculiar area of ​​the southern states of the country called: "BÍBLICAL BELT". In their majority conservatives of the republican party, all of them protestants due to their origins like old Anglican bastion in the colonial period. I will list these States to get an idea of ​​their geographical location and realize that it is precisely the States that propitiated the Confederation opposing the government of Abraham Lincoln and La Union thus beginning the Civil War due to political and economic differences, since the North adhered to industrialization and individual freedom and not slavery while the south was clearly agricultural and supported slavery and lack of freedoms: Texas - Oklahoma - South Kansas - Missouri - Southern Illinois - Southern Indiana - Alabama - Louisiana - Mississippi - Georgia - North Florida - Sout Carolina - North Carolina - Virginia - South of West Virginia.
Very little memory has the American people because to study reliably the history of these places, its people, general population, their customs and way of life is more than obvious to denote the imperialist customs still submitted to Great Britain maintaining an idiosyncrasy alien to all freedom of thought wanting to be an independent country lacking in colonialism. The ancient settlers of the Anglican area mostly gave rise to the current Protestants but lacking a true spirit imbued by the Spirit of God and blinding them to see a reality like the one lived in the north of the same country.
If Mr. Donald Trump out of all his traps and arrangements with Russia won his presidency thanks to all these "Christian pseudo" is in this circumstance that I would like to ask the voters that if both supported and / or support this man will ask: OF CHRISTIAN WHAT IS WHAT HE HAS? HOW MANY SUNDAYS A MONTH WILL HE COMPETE TO A CULT? HOW IT IS UNDERSTOOD IN A BEING THAT SAYS CHRISTIAN LIES UNDERSTANDING TREAT PEOPLE WITH DESPISE AND HAS BOTH DISDAIN FOR THE FAMILY AND LOVE FOR THE NEIGHBOR.
For my part would be the happiest in the world if any of all the Christians mentioned could answer only one of these questions, otherwise prefer to remain silent and thus give better truth to the statement so true of the French up-supra mentioned.
Thank you very much and may God bless you!

Prof. Martin C. Drot de Gourville Chazarène


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