We can make a book with all the information that we have about green tea. Green tea in China is like black Tea in western civilization...Today I try to introduce You, in a new concept of knowledge about Tea. 
I have a lot of qualities and denominations of Green Tea, most of them come from different Provinces of Mainland China.
Today we are sipping in a quiet and calm ceremony the Green Tea called Mao Feng tea (毛峰 ) what is means "furry peak", which is made of only slightly twisted leaf buds and is sometimes noted for a smoother and different flavor. Many people prefer to brew a smaller quantity of this tea for a longer time than usual, up to 7 minutes, to bring out more interesting tones in the tea. . It belongs from Fujian Province is known for mountain-grown organic green tea as well as white tea and oolong tea. The coastal mountains provide a perfect growing environment for tea growing. Green tea is picked in spring and summer seasons.


In general, 2 grams of tea per 100 ml (3.83 fl.oz) or about full teaspoon of green tea per 150 ml (5 fl.oz) cup, should be used. [the cup you might see in the picture is 150 ml (5 fl.oz)]. Green tea steeping time and temperature varies with different tea. The hottest steeping temperatures are 81ºC to 87ºC (180ºF to 190ºF) water and the longest steeping times two to three minutes. The coolest brewing temperatures are 61ºC to 69ºC (140ºF to 160ºF) and the shortest times about 30 seconds. In general, lower'quality green teas are steeped hotter and longer. It is thought that excessively hot water results in tannin chemical release, which is specially problematic in green teas, as they have higher contents of these. High-quality green teas can be and usually are steeped multiple times; two or three steepings is typical. The steeping technique also plays a very important role in avoiding the tea developing an overcooked taste. I recommend with this Mao Feng tea make an infusion no longer than 1 minute, rinse first time the leaves waving the teapot for 20 seconds and then pour out the water into the sink and serve water again at 90ºC (194ºF) steeping no more than 1 minute in first serving, longer steeping times in following servings.


Given the myriad of health benefits is that only appoint some potentially recognized by the best Universities of the world and attached a link for anyone who is interested in its properties and benefits.

POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Anti-cancer properties - Increases metabolic rate - Help prevent diabetes - Boost mental alertness - Lowers chances of cognitive impairment - Effects on HIV - Effects on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - Effect on bad breathe - Effects associated with caffeine - Effects on bacterial and fungal infections - Effects on obstructive sleep apnea-related brain deficits - Anti-venom effects - Stroke - Cardiovascular health - Anogenital warts - Antidepressant properties - Weight loss and cholesterol - Rheumatoid arthritis - Iron disorders.


100gr. of Mao Feng Tea Green Tea contains the following nutritional information according to the USDA
  • Calories :  0
  • Fat : 0
  • Carbohydrates : 0
  • Fibers : 0
  • Protein : 0
  • Cholesterol : 0

ATTENTION: the active ingredients, the oily essences of natural herbs, leaves of trees, flowers, rhizomes, roots and fruits are given into the  infusions in a very small quantities which means that to get a visible response to treatment or improvement from a disease, it will be not enough a simply a single drink tea, but it should be drinking 2 or 3 times a day for at least several weeks. The absorption or purification in this type of action is natural via of own body.

WARNINGAll sources and knowledge represented here are of public knowledge in Asian cultures and written and virtual encyclopedias. Most of this is considered folk medicine that has no scientific proof of its actual effects, but I assure You this doesn't have any adverse side effect and for thousands of years has cured millions of individuals. I am not responsible under any circumstances for any treatment,  although all the teas I recommend have been tested and drunk by myself for a long time and I made ​​a healing  treatment of cancer which I am healed now.


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