Seasonal changes often bring with it the abrupt weather changes and subsequent intemperate body and its first colds or flus. Today, Le Coq Rouge in his classic NIGHTLY TEA brings to You a homemade recipe for this excellent opportunity.
Jin Yin Hua is the original name in China which means HONEY - SUCKLE - TEA. Buds Are picked at early morning, after the dew had dried, but before the opening of the full flower on spring and summer season in Guangxi Province. Flowers, buds and stems are dried naturally.
Specially HONEYSUCKLE is considering one of the most detoxing herbs in Chinese culture, since 657 AD is using into the traditional Chinese medicine.
The three main parts of the honeysuckle plant are used medicinally ( flowers, flower buds and stems). The flowers have been used to make nectar or kind of syrup for release the respiratory system.
It has a hint of vanilla flavor but a little tone of bitterness, soft and smooth to drink is wonderful to combine with other herbs
We make an agreeable infusion with a delicate herbs that all of us know it, ROSEMARY, (Rosmarinus officinalis), is a woody perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region. It is a member of the mint family. The name ROSEMARY derives from the Latin name rosmarinus, derived from "dew" (ros) and "sea" (marinus), or "dew of the sea".

To heat water at 90ºC (194ºF) and add two little tea spoon with HONEYSUCKLE flowers and one little spoon of ROSEMARY needles (approximately for 500 ml (18 oz.fl.), pour water and count to 20 seconds waving the teapot and then discard completely the liquid, immediately add water again and let stand between 3 to 5 minutes and I recommend to sweet with 1 table spoon of honey. You can do 1 or 2 serving more steeping longer time in each one.
HONEYSUCKLE: to clear away toxic substances - inhibit the action of germs - reduce fever and heat - reduces ulcers - sore throat - skin infections and rushes on skin - clears the lungs - expectorant - used to treat coughs & mild symptoms of asthma - natural antibiotic - poison oak - relieve toxicity.
ROSEMARY: increases blood circulation - raises the blood pressure if you are cold - stimulates liver and helps digestion - tones up the blood vessels - invigorates, and increases your awareness - mouthwash for bad breath.
100 gr. of products contain the following nutritional values according to USDA
- Calories: 104 200
- Fat: 0 0
- Carbohydrates: 26 0
- Fibers: 0 0
- Protein: 2 0
- Cholesterol: 0 0
ATTENTION: the active ingredients, the oily essences of natural herbs, leaves of trees, flowers, rhizomes, roots and fruits are given into the infusions in a very small quantities which means that to get a visible response to treatment or improvement from a disease, it will be not enough a simply a single drink tea, but it should be drinking 2 or 3 times a day for at least several weeks. The absorption or purification in this type of action is natural via of own body.
WARNING: All sources and knowledge represented here are of public knowledge in Asian cultures and written and virtual encyclopedias. Most of this is considered folk medicine that has no scientific proof of its actual effects, but I assure You this doesn't have any adverse side effect and for thousands of years has cured millions of individuals. I am not responsible under any circumstances for any treatment, although all the teas I recommend have been tested and drunk by myself for a long time and I made a healing treatment of cancer which I am healed now.
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